€97,00 EUR

The Profitable Planner

The 6 Page Planning System that will revolutionise how you manage your business

Once you complete this short course you will become the Powerful Planner. You'll feel more in control of your business because you will have placed the power back in your own hands. 

You'll make decisions quickly because you'll be clear on what you want to achieve and how you'll make it happen. 

You will learn which metrics matter and how to use them to adjust when you need to, ramping up what works and letting go of what doesn't; confident in the insights those numbers will bring you. 

By the end of this programme, you'll have built yourself:

  1. A Five Year Plan that you can believe in.
  2. An Annual Plan that breaks the big picture down quarter by quarter with game changing milestones that are achievable.
  3. A 90 Day Plan that focuses the mind & your efforts where they need to be month by month. 
  4. A Product Strategy that pulls your customers to you, building trust with each purchase and growing your revenue potential steadily and consistently. 
  5. An Integrated Sales & Marketing Calendar where you map the years campaigns and content ahead of time in a way that converts into sales.
  6. Metrics that make sense to you so you can keep score of how everything works and let go of what doesn't. 

That's 6 One Page Plans To Help You Manage Your Growth With Freedom & Ease